Balsamic & Sweet Fragrance Oils. Almost edible scents made with the most delicious fragrance oil combos, brining to mind of favorite sweets, festive treats and refreshing drinks. In this category vanilla reigns supreme as it is used primarily or as a base for may blends. Its warm, inviting and mouthwatering nature makes the perfect foundation for almost all sugary sweet scents like candy, cookies and cake fragrances. Cinnamon is also in the lead in this fragrance category as its scent profile pairs harmoniously with vanilla.
But there’s more in this product category than balsamic & sweet fragrance oils. Here you can also find all kinds of drinks as they fall into the “edible” class. Sweet appetizers, aromatic teas, refreshing drinks, as well as alcoholic beverages are some of the scents you will come accross. Scents that will surely surprise your customers!